
Push Tools for Push 3 Standalone :: Scene Tempo Settings. Clip Launch Settings.

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Push Tools for Push 3 Standalone :: Scene Tempo Settings. Clip Launch Settings.

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Introductory Price: €5. Regular Price: €10

Push Tools gives you access to the following parameters on Push 3 in Standalone mode:
+ Scene Tempo Settings (Encoder 1-3)
+ Launch Settings of the selected Clip (Encoder 4-7)
+ Global Launch Mode (Encoder 8. Also available via click-hold Metronome button)

  1. Scene Tempo Settings

Select a scene between Scene 1 and 299 and change Scene Tempo and Scene Tempo Follow Mode

Encoder 1: "Scene"
Select a Scene. If slot 2 and 3 are both empty and have no name then you have selected a Scene that is beyond the available Scenes in the Set.

Encoder 2: "Tempo" (or no name)
Set the Scene Tempo. If the slot is empty then the selected Scene follows the Set Tempo. To see the Set Tempo touch the Tempo encoder. Also slot 3 will then show "Set" (since the Scene is following Set Tempo).

Encoder 3: "Follow"
Has two states: "Set" and "Scene".
"Set": Scene follows Set Tempo. Slot 2 is empty.
"Scene": Scene follows its own tempo. Slot 2 shows the tempo value and you can change it. You can set the Scene Tempo to the same value as the current Set Tempo. If you then change the Set tempo this Scene will stay on the set value.

  1. Launch Settings of the selected Clip

To change Clip Launch Setting select a clip. Then switch to the Main track (respectively the track that holds "Push Tools.amxd"). Click on the device again to get to the Detail View. The Bank now shows the name of the selected Clip.

Encoder 4: "Mode"
Select one of the four Launch Modes.

Encoder 5: "Quantization"
Choose Clip Start Quantisation

Encoder 6: "Legato"
Set Legato mode of the clip.

Encoder 7: "Velocity"
Set Velocity Amount value.

  1. Global Launch Mode (also available via click-hold Metronome button)

Encoder 8: "Global Launch"
Clip Launch Settings of the set

Why do I want this?

Because the settings of Encoder 1-7 are currently not available on Push 3 in Standalone mode.

How to use the device to change Clip Launch settings

  • Drop the device on each track you want to edit the Clip Launch Settings. It works on both Midi and Audio tracks. For ease of use the device only affects clips on the same track. Add the device to your default Set to include it with each new set.
  • Select a clip in any of three ways
    by hitting a pad or
    by select-hitting a pad or
    by using Encoders 1 + 2 (named 10 and 01)
  • Change the settings. Any changes are immediately effective.

Check the header for a demo video.

After downloading the device:

Upload the device to your Push 3 via the Live Browser. You can load Max For Live devices from anywhere on your Push into a set. We recommend to be more strict to avoid possible confusion:

  • Add a folder to your User Library on Push and call it "Max For Live Devices" (In Ableton Live go to the Browser, select Push then its User Folder, right-click into the second column and select "New Folder")
  • Inside this folder add another folder "Discrete Devices"
  • Move "Clip Settings.amxd" inside the "Discrete Devices" folder. (Drop it from the Live Browser onto the folder in Push/User Library/Max For Live/Discrete Devices/)

Why do this?

You might want to add "Clip Settings.amxd" to a Template Live set. If your .amxd is not inside your User Library when saving a Live set as template the device will be copied into your User Library without notifying you creating confusion with duplicates.

The advice above is valid for Live on a computer when using "Save" or "Save as..." but not for Push in Standalone Mode. Push uses "Collect All And Save" when you hit "Save" and this cannot be changed. This copies any Max device used in the set to the Project folder. It even creates a copy for each instance of the same device used in the set creating countless copies (with added ...-1.amxd, ...-2.amxd, ...-3.amxd,...) inside the Project folder. Currently there is no way to circumvent this. If you like this behaviour to be improved please contact Ableton Tech Support and let them know.

While you can drop the device on any track we recommend to put it onto the Master Track.

Needs Live 11.0. Most useful on Push 3 in Standalone mode.
Not compatible with Live 10 or older.

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Max For Live device to control various features on Push 3 Standalone

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