
Seqmod 1.2 :: 8 Notes Step Sequencer with extensive Push 3 Integration.

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Seqmod 1.2 :: 8 Notes Step Sequencer with extensive Push 3 Integration.

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An eight notes step sequencer specifically designed with Push 3 Standalone in mind.

Seqmod circles through eight pitches set with 4 dials.
The four dials [1&5], [2&6], [3&7], and [4&8] define two pitches each as offsets to the pitch of ROOT.
Pitches 5, 6, 7, 8 are the inverse of pitch offsets 1, 2, 3, 4 with the pitch set by ROOT as centre.

Here is an example:

[1&5]: +5
[2&6]: ±0
[3&7]: -1
[4&8]: -12

  • Step 1: C3 + 5st = F3
  • Step 2: C3 + 0st = C3
  • Step 3: C3 - 1st = B2
  • Step 4: C3 - 12st = C2
  • Step 5: C3 - 5st = G2
  • Step 6: C3 - 0st = C3
  • Step 7:C3 + 1st = C#3
  • Step 8:C3 + 12st = C4

Seqmod is driven by Midi notes. They can be sent from a Driver Midi Clip (a selection of Driver Clips are available on the download page), played on a keyboard, or come from a different Track.

Each Note On will move the sequence one step further. Direction is defined by the DIR control.

Incoming Note Offs are ignored.

Pitches are ignored with one exception:

C-2 Note Ons are filtered out and can be used to reset the sequence to step one at any time.

The lowest pitch that can be used to trigger steps in Seqmod is C#-2.

Drop any Midi clip on the same track. Fire the Clip. Seqmod should run accordingly.


* Using any number of notes in a Driver Clip other than eight is an easy and flexible way to create rhythmic variations of shifting sequences. Adding C-2 notes in different places of the Clip will combine rhythmic shifting with restarting the sequence.

* Using Clips with unusual Loop lengths are a quick way to create interesting rhythmic patterns.

* Feeding Midi notes from another track (e.g. an accompanying Drum Patterns) creates sequences which correspond to the source rhythmically without sounding tied to it.

There are two ways of resetting the sequence:

The sequence resets to step one when you restart the Live set

Any C-2 Note On resets the sequence to step one


1&5, 2&6, 3&7, 4&8
Defines pitch offsets relative to ROOT

All eight pitches are shown and updated in real time. A frame lights up around a pitch if it is triggered

Ignore 1-15 incoming triggers. Use it to thin out the resulting sequence

Defines the first step. Works with all Direction modes

Lets you play sequences with less than 8 steps. Takes the vlaue of START into account. Works with all Direction modes

Delay between incoming Trigger Note On and Note On generated by Seqmod. Range is 0-500ms with an exponential behaviour to have a higher resolution to set short note lengths.

Note duration between 5 ms - 4 seconds

Changes notes velocities between 1 to 127

Resets the sequence to the step defined by START. When active each reset action is displayed on the RST button by changing the colour of "RST" from grey to white.

Defines a central midi pitch used by PITCH 1 5, PITCH 2 6, PITCH 3 7, PITCH 4 8 to create 8 pitches around ROOT

Directions in which the set pitches are turned into notes. Currently available:
FWD - Forward
BCK - Backward
F+B - Forward and Backward
ZIG8 - Steps 1 > 5 > 2 > 6 > 3 > 7 > 4 > 8
RANDOM - Random
ZAG12 - Steps 1 > 5 > 2 > 6 > 3 > 7 > 4 > 8 > 3 > 7 > 2 > 6


  • Drop the device on a Midi track with any Instrument loaded
  • Decide how to use Midi notes to drive Seqmod:
    • Create a Midi clip and add notes or
    • Play any note from C#-2 or higher on a keyboard or
    • Send Midi notes from a different Track (by setting the track to "Monitor In")

Play with the parameters using the 8 Push Encoders

The device is inspired by the Eurorack module Modseq by dinsync.

After downloading the device:

Upload the device to your Push 3 via the Live Browser. You can load Max For Live devices from anywhere on your Push into a set. We recommend to be more strict to avoid possible confusion:

  • Add a folder to your User Library on Push and call it "Max For Live Devices" (In Ableton Live go to the Browser, select Push then its User Folder, right-click into the second column and select "New Folder")
  • Inside this folder add another folder "Discrete Devices"
  • Move "Seqmod 1.1.amxd" inside the "Discrete Devices" folder. (Drop it from the Live Browser onto the folder in Push/User Library/Max For Live/Discrete Devices/)

Why do this?

You might want to add "Seqmod 1.1.amxd" to a Template Live set. If your .amxd is not inside your User Library when saving a Live set as template the device will be copied into your User Library without notifying you creating confusion with duplicates.

A note for curious users: Currently, if you click the Edit button of the device it opens in Max and will be "frozen" meaning you cannot see the content. When you click the "unfreeze" button you are creating a folder called "Seqmod 1.1 Project" in ~/Documents/Max 8/Max for Live Devices/. It is good behaviour to delete this folder after you closed the device (without saving the changes!). If you save the device even without changing anything and it doesn't work as before any more it is best to download it again (and delete the edited version).

Needs Live 11.0. Most useful on Push 3 in Standalone mode.
Not compatible with Live 10 or older
Developed on macOS. Tested on macOS and Push 3. Might or might not work properly on Windows (although there is no reason it shouldn't).

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Max For Live step sequencer designed with Push 3 Standalone use in mind.

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